Saturday 10 November 2012

To Lenox and Back...

We've been in Lenox, Massacheusetts over the last few days and have brought our friend Suzie to our cottage to stay for a week. Whilst there we visited the Norman Rockwell museum in Stockbridge where we also visited his last working studio, a red barn on the hill above the Housatonic river. It was a fabulous spot.

We drove back here via Dryden and can report that the wooden framing has begun. Five large basement windows are taking shape!

It is so exciting to have a friend from England here in America with us!!! 
We had a wonderful stay in Lenox, near The Kripalu Yoga Centre, and then drove to Dryden today. 

We weren't sure if any work had been done, has!

It seems the steel supports are being placed and wood for the framing and the under flooring is stacked alongside what will be our, it is rapidly taking shape! 

We are looking from the east to the west in this photograph. Those five large spaces, framed by wood, on the far wall will be 5 separate 5' x 4' windows in our basement, which we hope will eventually become a private gallery for Nicholas' paintings. 

The hope that the walls and roof will be up in time for Thanksgiving feels like an absolute feels very very real suddenly.


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